Manual Smart M160 / 1– UL- Engine
July 05
Ecofly GmbH page 11
o Ensure that the drive axes are perfectly parallel.
o Misalignments will provoke damage
o NEVER assemble the propeller axle without locating pins.
o Do not insert any spacers to extend the engine-propeller distance: this will
increase the bending load on the gears beyond permissible limits!
Note that a new belt will initially lose some rubber; this is not indicative of
unusual wear.
Check for play on the bottom bearing by pressing the belt down with a finger (in
case of damage, the play can be felt).
The same applies to the front and rear propeller bearings. Push against the
propeller to check that there is no radial play.
To increase comfort, the engine is fitted with a centrifugal clutch (which engages
at 1600 – 2000 RPM) and a soft, metal torsion coupling.
Never get out of an aircraft when the engine is idling, not even when the
propeller has stopped turning! Always switch off the engine before getting
out of the cockpit!
3. Operating Limits
While the engine is rated for maximum power output of 60/74KW, we
recommend that the engine power is suitably adjusted for cruise flight to
conserve fuel.
Note that the engine is completely unsuited for aerobatic manoeuvres! Do not
conduct stall exercises!
Aerobatic manoeuvres will damage the engine!
Avoid any critical RPM at which the natural frequency of the propeller and
cockpit cell resonate.
Maximum permissible engine rating amounts to 5800 RPM.
3.1. Water / Oil
Maximum permissible water temperature is 105°C.
Water temperature of 110°C is permissible for short times.
If the water temperature increases, the ECU will automatically reduce engine
power output.
Minimum water temperature for takeoff amounts to 60°C.
Maximum permissible oil temperature is 140°C.
Oil temperature of 150°C is permissible for short times.
Minimum oil temperature for takeoff amounts to 60°C.