
Kilopascal (kPa) (definition) ........... 285
Labeling (overview) ........................ 280
Load bearing index (definition) ...... 286
Load index ..................................... 283
Load index (definition) ................... 285
Maximum loaded vehicle weight
(definition) ..................................... 285
Maximum load on a tire
(definition) ..................................... 286
Maximum permissible tire
pressure (definition) ....................... 285
Maximum tire load ......................... 278
Maximum tire load (definition) ....... 285
Optional equipment weight
(definition) ..................................... 286
PSI (pounds per square inch)
(definition) ..................................... 286
Replacing ....................................... 280
Service life ..................................... 265
Sidewall (definition) ....................... 286
Speed index (definition) ................. 285
Storing ........................................... 266
Structure and characteristics
(definition) ..................................... 284
Temperature .................................. 279
TIN (Tire Identification Number)
(definition) ..................................... 286
Tire bead (definition) ...................... 286
Tire pressure (definition) ................ 286
Tire pressures (recommended) ...... 284
Tire size (data) ............................... 287
Tire size designation, load-bearing
capacity, speed index .................... 281
Tire tread ....................................... 265
Tire tread (definition) ..................... 286
Total load limit (definition) ............. 287
Traction ......................................... 279
Traction (definition) ....................... 286
Tread wear ..................................... 279
TWR (permissible trailer drawbar
noseweight) (definition) ................. 286
Uniform Tire Quality Grading
Standards ...................................... 278
Uniform Tire Quality Grading
Standards (definition) .................... 284
Unladen weight (definition) ............ 285
Wear indicator (definition) ............. 286
Wheel rim (definition) .................... 285
Tires and wheels (important safety
information) ....................................... 264
Top Tether ............................................ 59
Important safety guidelines ........... 258
Installing the towing eye ................ 258
Removing the towing eye ............... 259
Towing a trailer
Driving tips .................................... 156
Coupling up ................................... 157
Decoupling ..................................... 158
Display message ............................ 183
Power supply ................................. 159
Towing ........................................... 157
Trailer loads and drawbar
noseweights ...................................... 158
Trailer towing .................................... 136
................................................ 64
PARKTRONIC ................................. 153
Transfer case ..................................... 139
Transmission position display ......... 135
Transmission positions .................... 135
Trip computer (on-board
computer) .......................................... 166
Trip odometer
Calling up ....................................... 166
Resetting (on-board computer) ...... 167
Automatic opening ..................... 78, 79
Trunk lid
Opening/closing .............................. 78
Turn signal (display message) ......... 184
Turn signals ....................................... 104
TWR (permissible trailer drawbar
noseweight) (definition) ................... 286
Type plate
see Vehicle identification plate
Emergency unlocking ....................... 77
From inside the vehicle (central
unlocking button) ............................. 76
BA 204.9 USA, CA Edition A 2011; 1; 6, en-US
d2mwents Version:
2010-06-15T08:58:39+02:00 - Seite 15