Controls in detail
Useful features
Tele Aid
Shortly after the completion of your Tele
Aid acquaintance call, you will receive a
user ID and password in the mail. You may
use this password to access the Tele Aid
section in“Owner’s Online” at
www.mbusa.com. The “My Tele Aid” sec-
tion will give you access to account infor-
mation, remote door unlock and more.
The Tele Aid system is available if
ț it has been activated and is operation-
al. Activation requires a subscription
for monitoring services, connection
and cellular air time
ț vehicle battery power is available
ț the relevant cellular phone network
and GPS signals are available and pass
the information on to the Response
The Tele Aid system
matic Alarm Identification on
The Tele Aid system consists of three
types of response:
ț Automatic and manual emergency
ț Roadside Assistance
ț Information
The Tele Aid system is operational provid-
ing that the vehicle’s battery is charged,
properly connected, not damaged and
cellular and GPS coverage is available.
The Tele Aid system utilizes the cellular
network for communication and the GPS
lobal Positioning System) satellites for
vehicle location. If either of these signals
are unavailable, the Tele Aid system may
not function and if this occurs, assistance
must be summoned by other means.
In order to activate the Tele Aid system, a
subscriber agreement must be completed. To
ensure your system is activated and operational,
please press the ¡ button to perform the ac-
quaintance call. Failure to complete either of
these steps may result in a system that is not ac-
If you have any questions regarding activation,
please call the Response Center at
1-800-756-9018 (in the USA) or
1-888-923-8367 (in Canada).
Location of the vehicle on a map is only pos-
sible if the vehicle is able to receive signals from
the GPS satellite network and pass the informa-
tion on to the Response Center.