Audio system
Media interface
Only operate an external audio source
when the vehicle is stationary. There is a
risk of accident by being distracted from
road and traffic conditions if you operate an
external audio source while the vehicle is in
Bear in mind that at a speed of just 30 mph
(approximately 50 km/h), your vehicle is
covering a distance of 44 feet (approxi-
mately 14 m) every second.
Media interface 1 is located in the glove box.
The media interface allows for connection
of the following media with the audio sys-
USB storage media
Audio devices with analog output (AUX),
e. g. MP3 or tape players.
Do not leave external devices in the vehi-
cle under extremely high or low tempera-
tures. Read and observe the operating
instructions of the respective device. Dam-
age to external devices due to excessive
temperature is not covered by the Mer-
cedes-Benz Limited Warranty.
Do not operate iPods
or USB storage media
with a remote control such as Bluetooth
addition to the media interface control. Oth-
erwise malfunctions may occur.
Always use the latest firmware for the iPod
or USB storage media.
Only use genuine software for uploading to
your iPod
or MP3 player as otherwise certain
functions may not be available or the system
may not recognize the device.
Connecting an completely discharged iPod
or USB storage medium can increase the ini-
tialization time.
Only use genuine Mercedes-Benz connec-
Depending on the device, loading large audio
files may take several minutes.
When the power consumption of the external
device is too high or the media interface is not
functioning properly, malfunction messages
will be displayed.
For details and a list of supported devices
contact an authorized Mercedes-Benz Cen-
ter or visit http://mbusa-mobile.com/
(USA only) or http://www.mercedes-benz-
mobile.com/ (Canada).
Special characteristics of USB storage
If the storage medium contains other data
than audio data, the time required for initi-
alization increases. Initialization may then
take several minutes. Therefore, audio data
should be stored on a separate partition.
Up to 8 folder levels containing up to
1 000 tracks per folder are supported.
Do not use USB extension cables or con-
nectors as they may impair functionality.
Controls in detail