Controls in detail
Useful features
Emergency calls
An emergency call is initiated automatical-
ly following an accident in which the emer-
gency tensioning devices (ETDs) or
air bags deploy.
An emergency call can also be initiated
manually by opening the cover next to the
interior rear view mirror labeled SOS, then
briefly pressing the button located under
the cover. See (
୴ page 311) for
instructions on initiating an emergency call
Once the emergency call is in progress, the
indicator lamp on the SOS button will
begin to flash. The message
Connecting call
appears in the multifunc-
tion display. When the connection is estab-
lished, the message
Call connected
appears in the multifunction display. All in-
formation relevant to the emergency, such
as the location of the vehicle (determined
by the GPS satellite location system), vehi-
cle model, identification number and color
are generated.
A voice connection between the Response
Center and the occupants of the vehicle
will be established automatically soon af-
ter the emergency call has been initiated.
The Response Center will attempt to
determine more precisely the nature of the
accident provided they can speak to an
occupant of the vehicle.
Warning! G
If the indicator lamps on the SOS button, on
the Roadside Assistance button, and/or on
the Information button remain illuminated
continuously in red and/or the message
Tele Aid
is displayed in
the multifunction display after the system
self-check, a malfunction in the system has
been detected.
If a malfunction is indicated as outlined
above, the system may not operate as
expected. Have the system checked at the
nearest Mercedes-Benz Light Truck Center
as soon as possible.