Practical hints
Towing the vehicle
Installing towing eye bolt
̈ Take the towing eye bolt and wheel bolt
wrench from the vehicle tool kit
୴ page 469).
̈ Screw towing eye bolt in clockwise to
its stop and tighten with wheel wrench.
Removing towing eye bolt
̈ Loosen towing eye bolt counterclock-
wise with wheel wrench.
̈ Unscrew towing eye bolt.
̈ Store the towing eye bolt and wheel
bolt wrench back into the vehicle tool
kit (
୴ page 469).
Installing cover
̈ Engage cover 1 at top and press at
Stranded vehicle
Freeing a stranded vehicle, on which the
wheels are dug into sand or mud, should
be done with the greatest of care, especial-
ly if the vehicle is heavily loaded.
Avoid pulling the vehicle abruptly or diago-
nally, since it could result in damage to the
chassis alignment.
Never try to free a vehicle that is still cou-
pled to a trailer.
If possible, a vehicle equipped with trailer
hitch receiver should be pulled backward
in its own previously made tracks.