
is fully loaded or operating in
mountainous terrain.
Fuel requirements
Only use premium unleaded gasoline. The
octane number (posted at the pump) must be
91 min. It is an average of both the Research
Octane Number (RON) and the Motor Octane
Number (MON): (RON+MON)/2. This is also
known as the ANTI-KNOCK INDEX.
Reformulated gasolines (RFG) and/or
unleaded gasoline containing oxygenates
such as ethanol, TAME, ETBE, IPA, IBA, and
TBA can be used provided the ratio of any one
of these oxygenates to gasoline does not
exceed 10%; MTBE must not exceed 15%.
The ratio of methanol to gasoline must not
exceed 3% plus additional cosolvents.
Using mixtures of ethanol and methanol is not
allowed. Gasohol, which contains 10%
ethanol and 90% unleaded gasoline, can be
These blends must also meet all other fuel
requirements, such as resistance to spark
knock, boiling range, vapor pressure, etc.
Gasoline additives
A major concern among engine
manufacturers is carbon build-up caused by
gasoline. Mercedes-Benz recommends only
the use of quality gasoline containing
additives that prevent the build-up of carbon
After an extended period of using fuels
without such additives carbon deposits can
build up, especially on the intake valves and
in the combustion area, leading to engine
performance problems such as:
Warm-up hesitation
Unstable idle
Power loss
In areas where carbon deposits may be
encountered due to lack of availability of
gasoline which contains these additives,
Mercedes-Benz recommends the use of
additives approved by us for use on
Mercedes-Benz vehicles.
Contact an authorized Mercedes-Benz Center
or visit www.mbusa.com (USA only) for a
listing of approved product(s). Follow
directions on product label.
Do not blend other fuel additives with fuel.
This only results in unnecessary cost and may
be harmful to the engine operation.
Damage or malfunction resulting from
poor fuel quality or from blending additional
fuel additives other than those tested and
approved by us for use on Mercedes-Benz
vehicles are not covered by the Mercedes-
Benz Limited Warranty or by any pre-owned
or Extended Limited warranties.
The engine coolant is a mixture of water and
anticorrosion/antifreeze, which provides:
Corrosion protection
Freeze protection
Boiling protection (by increasing the boiling
The cooling system was filled at the factory
with a coolant providing freeze protection to
approximately -35‡ (-37†) and corrosion
Add premixed coolant solution only.
Adding water and MB 325.0 Anticorrosion/
Antifreeze separately from each other,
could cause engine damage not covered by
the Mercedes-Benz Limited Warranty.
If the antifreeze mixture is effective to -35‡
(-37†), the boiling point of the coolant in the
Fuels, coolants, lubricants, etc.
Technical data
463_AKB; 2; 52, en-US
d2ureepe, Version:
2008-12-02T10:52:11+01:00 - Seite 255