Problems under-/overinflation 369
Retreads 348
Rims and tires 515
Rotating 351
Run Flat Indicator (Canada only) 360
Service life 349
Sizes 370
Snow chains 385
Spare wheel 479
Spare wheel, Collapsible tire 518
Speed rating 317, 372, 382
Storing 350
Temperature 358, 378
Terminology 379
TIN 374, 381
Tire Identification Number see TIN
Tire Pressure Monitoring System
(TPMS), (USA only) 362
TPMS malfunction telltale 408
Traction 316, 378, 382
Tread 382
Tread depth 350, 384
Treadwear indicators 382
Vehicle maximum load on 382
Wear pattern 383
Winter tires 384
Tongue Weight Rating see TWR
Tools 448
Top tether
Children in the vehicle 94
Trailer 191, 328, 331
Towing eye bolt 501
Towing the vehicle 501, 503
Tow-starting 497, 499
Traction 378, 382
4-ETS, Driving safety systems 98,
Attaching 330
Checking weights 330
Electrical connections 329
Hitch* 328
Loading 329
Towing 328, 331
Weights and ratings 329
Transfer case 198
Transmission position indicator 147
Transmission see Automatic transmission
Traveling abroad 334
Tread 382
Tread depth 350, 384
Treadwear indicators 382
Trip computer 178
Trip odometer, resetting 146
Turn signal lamps
Cleaning lenses 393
Messages in the multifunction
display 443
Replacing bulbs 464
Turn signals 60
Additional in mirrors 464
Bulbs 464, 472
Cleaning lenses 393
Indicator lamps 27
Turning off the engine 67
TWR (Tongue Weight Rating) 382
Uniform Tire Quality Grading
Standards 382
Units, Settings
Speedometer 168
Temperature 168
Unlocking the vehicle see Key