Controls in detail
Pulling the cargo net tight
Belt hook attached behind the front seats
1 Belt hook
2 Cargo tie-down ring
3 Tightening belt
̈ Hook belt hook 1 into cargo tie-down
ring 2 in direction of arrow.
̈ Pull tightening belt 3 by the loose end
in direction of arrow until the cargo net
is pulled tight.
̈ After driving a short distance, make
sure the cargo net is still tight and, if
necessary, pull it tight again.
Loosening the cargo net
Belt hook attached behind the front seats
1 Buckle
2 Belt hook
3 Cargo tie-down ring
̈ Loosen the tightening belt by pulling
buckle 1 upward in direction of arrow.
̈ Remove belt hook 2 from cargo
tie-down ring 3.
Removing and storing the cargo net
̈ Take cargo net bar 2 out of holder 1,
see “Installing the cargo net”
୴ page 273).
̈ Press the red button on the upper and
lower cargo net bar.
̈ Fold the cargo net.
̈ Roll up the cargo net.
̈ Close the hook and loop fasteners on
the cargo net package.