Practical hints
Where will I find...?
Collapsible tire (CLS 63 AMG only)
1 Vehicle tool kit
2 Collapsible tire
3 Electric air pump
4 Storage well casing
Removing the collapsible tire
̈ Remove storage well casing that con-
tains the vehicle tool kit and the elec-
tric air pump.
1 Collapsible tire
2 Tensioning strap
(vehicles with 19" collapsible tire only)
3 Retaining screw
4 Storage well casing base
5 Tensioning strap
(vehicles with 19" collapsible tire only)
̈ Remove storage well casing base 4.
̈ Remove retaining screw 3 by turning
it counterclockwise.
̈ Remove collapsible tire 1.
Storing the collapsible tire after use
If you wish to store the collapsible tire after
use, carry out the following steps. Other-
wise, the collapsible tire may not fit the
spare wheel well.
̈ Unscrew the valve cap from the valve
of the collapsible tire.
̈ Take the valve extractor from the
vehicle tool kit (
୴ page 395).
̈ Unscrew the valve insert from the valve
and allow the air to escape.
̈ Screw the valve insert back into the
̈ Screw the valve cap back onto the
Make sure the collapsible tire is dry before
storing it.
It may take a few minutes for the collapsible
tire to deflate completely.