Filler neck, Engine oil 253
First aid kit 353
Flat tire 362
Preparing the vehicle 362
TIREFIT kit 362
Floormats* 226
Floormats* (Only Mercedes-Benz SLR
McLaren 722 Edition) 227
Automatic transmission fluid 254,
Brake fluid 248, 389, 392
Capacities 389
Engine coolant 255, 390, 394
Engine oil 253, 389, 391
Power steering fluid 389
Windshield washer and headlamp
cleaning system 257, 390
Fog lamps 109, 360
Message in the multifunction
display 341
Front air bags 65
Front lamps see Headlamps
Fuel 247
Additives 393
Capacity, Fuel tank 390
Consumption statistics 139, 140
Filler flap 247
Filling the tank 247
Fuel reserve warning lamp 29, 307
Gauge 29
Premium unleaded gasoline 247,
Requirements, Octane rating 390,
Fuel cap
Messages in the multifunction
display 305, 340
Fuel filler flap
Locking/unlocking 247
Fuel reserve
Message in the multifunction
display 340
Fuel reserve warning lamp 29
Fuel system
Message in the multifunction
display 339
Fuel tank
Capacity 390
Filler flap 247
Fuels, coolants, lubricants etc. 389
Fuses 373
Garage door opener 221
Gasoline see Fuel
GAWR 284
Gear range
Automatic transmission 174
Canceling limit 176
Limiting 174
Shifting into optimal 176, 178
Gear selector lever 32, 169
Gearshift pattern 169
Lock 48, 50, 169, 402
Position 170, 171
Position indicator 170
Shifting procedure 170