Controls in detail
Second-row seat unlocked
1 Lock status indicator
2 Red marking
When the seat is unlocked
ț lock status indicator 1 is extended
ț red marking 2 is clearly visible
̈ When the seat is unlocked, push seat
backrest back until the seat audibly
Second-row seat locked
1 Lock status indicator
2 Red marking
When the seat is locked
ț lock status indicator 1 is in hinged
ț red marking 2 is barely visible
Warning! G
Make sure
ț the seats are properly locked
ț the seat backrests are in an upright po-
sition and are properly locked
A second-row seat is properly locked only
when lock status indicator 1 is in hinged
position and red marking 2 is barely
If a seat and seat backrest are not properly
locked, the seat could move forward and the
seat backrest could fold. You could slide un-
der the seat belt during braking, vehicle ma-
neuvers, or in an accident. If you slide under
it, the belt would apply force at the abdomen
or neck. That could cause serious or even fa-
tal injuries.