Practical hints
Where will I find ...?
1 Guide pins
2 Spare wheel
̈ Place spare wheel 2 into spare wheel
Make sure spare wheel 2 is placed
precisely on guide pins 1.
̈ With the electric air pump
୴ page 473) pointing towards the
rear, insert vehicle tool kit storage well
casing 3 (
୴ page 476) into spare
wheel 2.
̈ Turn vehicle tool kit storing well
casing 3 (
୴ page 476) by approxi-
mately 180°.
The electric air pump (
୴ page 473)
points in direction of travel.
̈ Fasten retaining screw 1
୴ page 476) by turning it clockwise.
̈ Insert the jack into the vehicle tool kit
storage well casing (
୴ page 473).
̈ Close and pull tight the hook and
loop fastener that secures the
jack (
୴ page 473).
Fold the jack base outwards (against the
spring power) and first insert the jack base into
the recess in the left of the storage well casing.