
Technical data
Fuels, coolants, lubricants etc.
Model Capacity Fuels, coolants, lubricants etc.
Power steering CLS 550 approx. 1.0 US qt (0.9 l) MB Power Steering Fluid (Pentosin CHF 11S
or, depending on vehicle production date,
Chevron Texaco PSF 9109)
For detailed information, please refer to the Factory Approved Service Products pamphlet (USA only) or contact an authorized Mercedes-Benz Center.
CLS 63 AMG approx. 1.3 US qt (1.2 l)
Front wheel hubs CLS 550 approx. 3.0 oz (85 g) each High temperature roller bearing grease
CLS 63 AMG approx. 3.2 oz (90 g) each
Brake system All models 0.63 US qt (0.6 l) MB Brake Fluid (DOT 4+)
Cooling system CLS 550 11.9 US qt (11.3 l) MB 325.0 Anticorrosion/Antifreeze
CLS 63 AMG 12.5 US qt (11.8 l)
Fuel tank All models 21.12 US gal (80.0 l) Premium unleaded gasoline
Minimum Posted Octane 91
(Avg. of 96 RON/86 MON)
including a reserve of CLS 550 2.38 US gal (9.0 l)
CLS 63 AMG 3.7 US gal (14.0 l)
Air conditioning system All models R-134a refrigerant and special PAG lubricant
oil (never R-12)
Windshield washer system All models 4.8 US qt (4.5 l) MB Windshield Washer Concentrate
Use MB Windshield Washer Concentrate “MB SummerFit” and water for temperatures above freezing or MB Windshield Washer Concentrate “MB SummerFit” and
commercially available premixed windshield washer solvent/antifreeze for temperatures below freezing point. Follow suggested mixing ratios (page 456).
Windshield washer and head-
lamp cleaning* system
All models 6.9 US qt (6.5 l)