Practical hints ................................. 361
What to do if … .................................. 362
Lamps in instrument cluster ........ 362
Lamp in center console................ 367
Vehicle status messages in the
multifunction display.................... 368
Where will I find...? ............................ 388
First aid kit................................... 388
Vehicle tool kit, vehicle jack......... 388
Spare wheel with collapsible tire.. 391
Spare wheel bolts ........................ 392
Unlocking/locking in an emergency.. 394
Unlocking the vehicle................... 394
Locking the vehicle ...................... 395
Manually unlocking the gear
selector lever
(automatic transmission*) ........... 396
Opening/closing in an emergency..... 397
Raising retractable hardtop
manually ...................................... 397
Replacing SmartKey batteries ........... 398
SmartKey ..................................... 399
Replacing bulbs .................................. 400
Bulbs............................................. 401
Replacing bulbs for front lamps .... 403
Replacing bulbs for rear lamps ..... 405
Replacing wiper blades....................... 406
Removing wiper blades................. 406
Installing wiper blades .................. 407
Flat tire............................................... 408
Preparing the vehicle .................... 408
Sealing tires with TIREFIT.............. 408
Mounting the spare wheel ............ 412
Battery................................................ 421
Disconnecting the battery............. 422
Removing the battery.................... 422
Charging and reinstalling battery.. 423
Reconnecting the battery.............. 423
Jump starting...................................... 424
Towing the vehicle.............................. 426
Installing towing eye bolt.............. 428
Fuses.................................................. 430
Aids for replacing fuses ................ 430
Main fuse box in passenger
compartment................................ 431
Fuse box in engine compartment.. 432
Technical data.................................. 433
Parts service ...................................... 434
Warranty coverage ............................. 435
Loss of Service and Warranty
Information Booklet...................... 435
Identification labels............................ 436
Layout of poly-V-belt drive.................. 437
SLK 280, SLK 350 ........................ 437
SLK 55 AMG ................................. 437
Engine ................................................ 438
Rims and tires .................................... 439
Same size tires ............................. 441
Mixed size tires............................. 443
Spare wheel with collapsible tire .. 445
Electrical system ................................ 446
Main Dimensions................................ 447
Weights .............................................. 448