Technical data
Model SLK 280
SLK 350
Maximum roof load 110lb (50kg) 110lb (50kg)
Maximum trunk load 220 lb (100 kg) 220 lb (100 kg)
This vehicle is not designed to carry
items on its roof. Roof rails and any
roof-mounted devices, unless express-
ly approved by Mercedes-Benz for use
on this vehicle model, must not be used
as they will damage the vehicle and
retractable hardtop.
At time of printing, Mercedes-Benz
does not offer any roof racks or any
other roof-mounted devices for use on
this vehicle.
This vehicle is not designed to carry
any items on its trunk lid or accommo-
date any type of trunk lid rack or de-
vice. Using such devices may damage
the vehicle and retractable hardtop