Getting started
For more information, see “Driving instruc-
tions” (
୴ page 259).
Switching on headlamps
Low beam headlamps
The exterior lamp switch is located on the
dashboard to the left of the steering wheel.
Exterior lamp switch
1 Off
2 Low beam headlamps on
̈ Turn the exterior lamp switch to B.
The green indicator lamp C in the
exterior lamp switch comes on.
For more information, see “Exterior lamp
switch” (
୴ page 125).
High beam
The combination switch is located on the
left of the steering column.
Combination switch
1 High beam
2 High beam flasher
Simultaneously depressing the acceler-
ator pedal and applying the brake re-
duces engine performance and causes
premature brake and drivetrain wear.
You can open a locked door from the
inside. Open doors only when condi-
tions are safe to do so.
You can deactivate the automatic lock-
ing using the control system
୴ page 162).