Controls in detail
Automatic transmission
Accelerator position
Your driving style influences the transmis-
sion’s shifting behavior:
Less throttle Earlier upshifting
More throttle Later upshifting
Use kickdown when you want maximum
̈ Press the accelerator past the point of
The transmission shifts into a lower
̈ Ease on the accelerator when you have
reached the desired speed.
The transmission shifts up again.
Emergency operation (Limp Home
If vehicle acceleration worsens or the
transmission no longer shifts, the trans-
mission is most likely operating in limp
home (emergency operation) mode. In this
mode, only 2nd gear and reverse gear can
be activated.
̈ Stop the vehicle.
̈ Move gear selector lever to P.
̈ Turn off the engine.
̈ Wait at least ten seconds before re-
̈ Restart the engine.
̈ Move gear selector lever to position D
(for second gear) or R.
̈ Have the transmission checked at an
authorized Mercedes-Benz Light Truck
Center as soon as possible.