Message in display 311
Opening from inside vehicle 93
Opening from the outside 91
Downhill driving
Cruise control 224
Downshifting 154
Drink holder see Cup holders
Drinking and driving 257
Driving abroad 263
General instructions 43, 257
Hydroplaning 260
In winter 262
Problems 54
Safety systems 79
Through standing water 263
Driving abroad 263
Driving instructions 257
Driving off 259
Driving safety systems
ABS 79
BAS 80
ESP 81
Driving systems 223
Cruise control 223
Driving safety systems 79
Easy-entry/exit feature* 97
Activating 144
Electrical fuses 356
Electrical outlet 240
Electrical outlet in cargo
compartment 240
Electrical outlet in rear
passenger compartment 240
Electrical system
Technical data 370
Electronic Stability Program see ESP
Emergency call
911 213
Emergency call system* 242
Emergency calls
Initiating an emergency call 244
With Tele Aid* 243
Emergency operation
(Limp Home Mode) 160
Emergency operations
Closing power
tilt/sliding sunroof* 329
Locking the vehicle 327
Opening power
tilt/sliding sunroof* 329
Remote door unlock 248
Unlocking the vehicle 326
Emergency Tensioning Device see ETD
Emission control 265
Emission control information label 364
A call (telephone*) 150