Service term exceeded
If you have exceeded the suggested ser-
vice term:
ț the 9 or ½ symbol appears in
the display 2 for 30 seconds and a
signal sounds after switching on the
ț it is preceded by a “–” (minus symbol).
The Mercedes-Benz Light Truck Center will
reset the service indicator following a com-
pleted service.
Calling up the service indicator
̈ Within one second press knob 1
The FSS display will appear for
ten seconds.
Resetting the service indicator
In the event that the service on your vehi-
cle is not carried out by an authorized
Mercedes-Benz Light Truck Center, you
can reset the service indicator yourself.
̈ Switch ignition on and immediately
press knob 1 twice within
one second.
The present status for days or distance
is displayed.
̈ Within ten seconds turn the key in
steering lock to position 0 (
୴ page 33).
̈ Press and hold knob 1 while switch-
ing the ignition on.
The present status for days or distance
is displayed once more.
̈ Continue to hold knob 1.
After approximately ten seconds a sig-
nal sounds, and the display shows
10 000 miles (Canada: 15 000 km) for
approximately ten seconds.
̈ Release knob 1.
If the service indicator was inadvertent-
ly reset, have a Mercedes-Benz Light
Truck Center correct it.
Only reset if the proper service has
been performed. Resetting the system
without performing the proper service
as called for by the FSS will cause the
FSS to incorrectly determine the next
service interval which will result in en-
gine damage not covered by the
Mercedes-Benz Limited Warranty.
If the battery is disconnected, the days
of disconnection will not be included in
the count shown by the service indica-
tor. To arrive at the true service dead-
line, you will need to subtract these
days from the days shown in the ser-
vice indicator.
Do not confuse the service indicator
with the engine oil level indicator :.