Practical hints
Flat tire
Preparing TIREFIT
̈ Take the TIREFIT kit out of the trunk
୴ page 208).
1 Filler hose
2 TIREFIT container
̈ Shake contents of TIREFIT container 2.
̈ Screw hose 1 on to TIREFIT
container 2.
TIREFIT is now ready for use.
Warning! G
Take care not to allow the contents of
TIREFIT to come in contact with hair, eyes or
clothing. TIREFIT is harmful if inhaled, swal-
lowed or absorbed through the skin. It caus-
es skin, eye and respiratory irritation.
Any contact with eyes or skin should be
flushed immediately with plenty of water.
If clothing comes in contact with TIREFIT,
change clothing as soon as possible.
In case of allergic reaction or rash, consult a
physician immediately.
Warning! G
Keep TIREFIT out of reach of children.
If swallowed, rinse mouth immediately with
plenty of water and drink plenty of water.
Do not induce vomiting!
Consult a physician immediately.
Keep away from open flame or heat source.