
Safety and Security
Occupant safety
Warning! G
In the event that the SRS malfunction indica-
tor lamp lights up during driving or does not
come on at all, the SRS may not be opera-
tional. For your safety, we strongly recom-
mend that you visit an authorized
Mercedes-Benz Light Truck Center immedi-
ately to have the system checked; otherwise
the SRS may not be activated when needed
in an accident, which could result in serious
or fatal injury, or it might deploy unexpect-
edly and unnecessarily which could also re-
sult in injury.
Improper work on the restraint systems can
lead to unintentional deployment or opera-
tional failure.
All work on these systems should therefore
only be carried out by an authorized
Mercedes-Benz Light Truck Center.
Warning! G
Airbags are designed to reduce the potential
of injury in certain frontal (front airbags) im-
pacts, which may cause significant injuries.
However, no system available today can to-
tally eliminate injuries and fatalities.
The activation of the SRS temporarily releas-
es a small amount of dust from the airbags.
This dust, however, is neither injurious to
your health, nor does it indicate a fire in the
vehicle. The dust might cause some tempo-
rary breathing difficulty for people with asth-
ma or other breathing trouble. To avoid this,
you may wish to get out of the vehicle as
soon as it is safe to do so. If you have any
breathing difficulty but cannot get out of the
vehicle after the airbag inflates, then get
fresh air by opening a window or door.
Warning! G
The service life of the front passenger airbag
extends to the date indicated on the label lo-
cated on the driver side B pillar. To provide
continued reliability after that date, they
should be inspected by an authorized Mer-
cedes-Benz Light Truck Center at that time
and replaced when necessary.