Safety and Security
Driving and safety systems
Driving and safety systems
In this section you will find information on
the following driving safety systems:
ț ABS (Antilock Brake System)
ț BAS (Brake Assist System)
ț 4-ETS (Electronic Traction System)
ț EBB (Electronic Brake Booster)
ț ESP (Electronic Stability Program)
The ABS regulates the brake pressure so
that the wheels do not lock during braking.
This allows you to maintain the ability to
steer your vehicle.
The ABS is functional above a speed of ap-
proximately 5 mph (8 km/h) independent
of road surface conditions (as long as the
differential locks are not engaged).
At the instant one of the wheels is about to
lock up, a slight pulsation can be felt in the
brake pedal, indicating that the ABS is in
the regulating mode. Keep firm and steady
pressure on the brake pedal while experi-
encing the pulsation.
In winter operation, the maximum ef-
fectiveness of the ABS, ESP, EBB and
4-ETS is only achieved with winter tires
(M+S tires), or snow chains as re-
Warning! G
The following factors increase the risk of ac-
ț Excessive speed, especially in turns
ț Wet and slippery road surfaces
ț Following another vehicle too closely
The ABS, BAS, ESP and 4-ETS cannot reduce
this risk.
Always adjust your driving style to the pre-
vailing road and weather conditions.
Warning! G
Do not pump the brake pedal. Use firm,
steady brake pedal pressure instead. Pump-
ing the brake pedal defeats the purpose of
ABS and significantly reduces braking effec-