
Parking position for exterior rear view
mirrors 142
Slower speed in cruise control 178
Speed in cruise control 178
Speed in Distronic* 184
Speedometer display mode 134
Station selection mode 139
Suspension tuning 190
Temperature (interior) 160
Temperature indicator 134
Speedometer 134
Temperature 134
Vehicle level control 191
Calling up Distronic* 128, 182
Convenience functions 140
Factory, SmartKey 81
Lighting (control system) 135
Menus and submenus 119
Resetting all (control system) 132
Resetting in the submenu 132
Selective 81
Settings menu
Functions in 131
Individual vehicle settings 131
Submenus 132
Shift lock 351
Gear selector lever positions 146
Into optimal gear range (automatic
transmission) 144
Shoulder support
Seat adjustment 99
Side impact airbags 59
Side marker lamps
Replacing bulbs 302, 303, 305
Side windows
Automatic closing 170
Automatic opening 170
Cleaning 260
Closing 169, 170, 171
Closing fully 170
Closing with KEYLESS-GO* 86, 172,
Closing with SmartKey 171
Opening 169, 170, 171
Opening fully 170
Opening with SmartKey 171
Stopping 171
Synchronizing power windows 172
Simultaneous wiping and washing
Windshield wipers 47
Single wipe 47
Sliding/pop-up roof 173
Closing 173, 301
Closing with
KEYLESS-GO* 86, 172, 175
Closing with SmartKey 174
Opening 173, 301
Opening with SmartKey 174
Stopping 174
Synchronizing 175
Changing the batteries 299
Global locking and unlocking 81
Lock button 30, 80
Locking and unlocking 80
Opening and closing the slid-
ing/pop-up roof 174
Opening and closing windows 171
Unlock button 30, 80
Unlocking with 30
Snow chains 253
Spare fuses 295