1. Tu r n on your computer, and wait for the Wi n d o w s
e n v i ronment
to appear on your scre e n .
2. Close any application you may have running before installing the
M e m o re x
USB Dual Card Reader software driver.
3. Important! Please install driver software prior to plugging-in
the USB connector.
4. I n s e rt CD into CD-ROM Drive.
5. The setup program should automatically start. If it does not,
please run the setup program by following Step #6.
6. Click S t a rt on the task bar, then select "R u n" command. Type
D:\setup.exe (or CD-ROM drive letter:\setup.exe) and then
click "O K" .
7. Follow instructions during setup pro g r a m .
8. When finished, remove CD from CD-ROM drive, and re s t a rt
your PC.
9. Plug in the USB connector from the Card Reader into the USB
p o r t of your PC.
10. Windows will automatically detect the Memore x
USB Dual Card
Reader and finish loading the driver for it.