
A Critical Time for
Establishing Milk Supply
Sometimes mothers are told to delay pumping until they
recover from giving birth. Health care providers and families
need to know that there is a critical time for establishing a
milk supply. Studies show that the best way to protect future
milk production is to bring in a generous milk supply in the
first two weeks. Because human milk is so important for the
recovery of the baby, helpers should do all they can to
enable mothers to begin pumping early and often. If there is
more milk than your baby needs at first, freeze the extra milk
for later use or contact the nearest milk bank about donation.
Your milk is more than food. It contains special immuno-
logic factors that protect your baby’s health. Premature or
sick babies should be allowed to breastfeed if they are med-
ically stable. They get tired easily, however, and may fall
asleep before finishing feedings. It can be difficult for them
to stimulate a full milk supply.
To protect your milk supply until your baby is stronger:
Begin pumping within the first 24 hours after birth with a
hospital grade rental pump.*
Your Hospitalized Infant
Increasing Your Milk
Separation from your baby may cause decreases in your
milk supply. To increase production, increase pumping
frequency. Pumping for longer than 30 minutes at a time is
generally not useful. Your doctor, midwife, or International
Board Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC) will have other
helpful ideas to increase your milk production if you have
concerns. La Leche League and the Nursing Mothers Council
can offer support, information, and encouragement as you
work through this challenging time.
All Medela breastfeeding products are carefully designed
for the highest standards of effectiveness and safety. If you
have any questions about the use or assembly of your
Medela breastfeeding accessory product:
1. Check the instructions in this booklet for your type of
pumping. Make sure you have assembled the accessory
kit properly.
2. Call for assistance. Medela Customer Service is available
at 1-800-435-8316 or 1-815-363-1166, Monday-Friday
from 7:30AM-6:00PM Central Time. Visit us on the
web at www.medela.com. You may also try calling the
location where you obtained your breastfeeding
accessory product.
Your local retailer may stock piece parts. To find retailers in
your area, call 1-800-TELL-YOU or call 1-800-435-8316 or
1-815-363-1166 and order with VISA, MasterCard,
American Express, or Discover Card. Prices subject to
change without notice.
To Order Parts
Begin kangaroo care (skin-to-skin holding) as soon as
Pump at least 6 times each 24 hours; pumping 8 times or
more gives the best results.
Pump 15 minutes on each breast, or double pump for 15
minutes total.
Use a comfortable pressure setting.
Choose a breastshield that comfortably fits your
nipple size.**
*Call 1-800-TELL YOU to locate a Breastfeeding Specialist in your area.
**To locate a larger breastshield, call your rental agent or Medela’s Customer
Service at 1-800-435-8316.