S Keepothers awayw henmakingcarbure-
tor adjustments .
S Useonly recommendedMcCulloch a ccesso-
ries and replacement parts.
S Have all maintenance and service not ex-
plained in this manual performed by your au-
thorized service dealer .
S Mix and pour fuel outdoors.
S Keep aw ay from sparks or flames.
S Use a container approved for fuel.
S Donotsmoke orallow smokingnearfuelor
the unit.
S A voidspillingfuel oroil. Wipe upall f uel spills.
S Move at least 3 meters away from fueling
site before starting engine.
S St op engine and allow to cool before re-
moving fuel cap.
S Al waysstorepetrolinacontainerapproved
for flammable liquids.
WARNING: Inspecttheareatobecut
before each use. Remove objects (rocks,
broken glass, nails, wire, string, etc.) which
can be thrown or become entangled in the
blade or trimmer head.
S Keep others including children, animals,
bystanders,andhelpersat least50feet(15
meters) away. Stop engine immediately if
you are approached.
S Al ways keepengineon theright--handside
of your body.
S Hold the unit f irmly with both hands.
S Keep firm footing and balance. Do not
S Keep blade or trimmer head below waist
level. Do not raise engine above your waist.
S Keep all parts of your body away from b lade,
trimmer head, a nd muf fler when engine is
running. A hot muffler can cause serious
S Cut from your left to your right. Cutting on
right side of the shield will throw debri s
away from the operator.
S Use only in daylight or good artificial light.
S Use only for jobs explained in this manual.
S Allowthe enginetocool; secureunit b efore
storing or transporting in vehicle.
S Empty fueltank before storing or transporting
the unit. Use up fuel left in the carburetor by
starting engine and letting it run until it stops.
S Storeunitandfuel inanareawherefuelva-
pors cannot reach sparks or open flames
from water heaters, electric mo tors or
switches, furnaces, etc.
S Storeunitsolinelimiter cannotaccidentally
causeinjury .Unit canbehung by t heshaft.
S Always install transport guardon bladebe-
fore transporting or strorage.
S Store the u nit out of the reach of children.
S Secure the machine during transport.
SPECIAL NOT ICE: Exposure t o vi brations
through prolonged use of petrol powered hand
tools could cause blood vessel or nerve dam-
age in the fingers, hands, and joints of people
prone tocirculationdisordersor abnormalswell-
ings. Prolonged use in cold weather has been
linked to blood vessel damage in otherwise
healthy people. If symptoms occur such as
numbness,pain, l ossofstrength,changeinskin
color or texture, or loss of feeling in the fingers,
hands, or joints, discontinue the use of this tool
and seek medical attention. An anti-vibration
system does not guarantee the avoidance of
theseproblems.Users whooperate po wertools
on a continual and regular basis must monitor
closely theirphysical conditionandthecondition
of this tool.
Check carton con tents a gai nst t hefollowinglist:
S Bru shcutter
S Bl a de
S Cupped washer
S Large nut for i nstalling blade
S T rimmer head
S Combination shield
S Bo l t
S Ha ndl ebar
S Handlebar br acket cover
S Handlebar br acket cover sc rew s (2)
S Upper shoulder harness clamp
S Lower shoulder harness clamp
S Shoulder harness clamp screws (2)
S Shoulder harness
S Hex wrench
S W rench
S T ransport guard
S Throttlecableclip
WARNING: Always stopunitanddis-
sembly procedures.
WARNING: If received assembled,
repeatallsteps toensureyourunitis pr operly
assembled and all fasteners a re secure.
Examine parts for damage. Do not use dam-
aged parts.
It i s no rmalfor th e fu e l fi lterto ratt lein th eempty
fuel tank.
Finding fuel or oil residue on muffler is normal
due t ocarburetor ad j ustments a nd te sting d one
by the manufacturer .
S Hex wrench (provided)
S Adjustable wrench
S Phillips screwdriver