Air Cleaner Element Clean Element Daily, more often under dusty conditions. Tap EleĆ
ment lightly on a flat surface - If dust does not drop off easily or if
element is bent or crushed .......... Replace It!
Bearing (Bronze) If there are wear marks or the I.D. is greater than 1.145 in (29mm),
Bearings Replace anytime a Bearing is rough, binding or discolored.
Bellows When the Bellows are worn or cracked to the point of leaking, reĆ
place the Bellows. A leak may occur from a loose Clamp. If this is
the case, tighten the Clamp.
Bushing (Piston Pin) Replace if it is discolored or the I.D. is greater than 0.630in (16mm).
Clutch Replace the Shoes and Spring if they show signs of heat damage
or the Clutch does not disengage below 2000 rpm.
Crank Gear Replace if the teeth are cracked or they become sharp.
Governor Chamber Oil Replace after first 100 hours, thereafter, every 300 hours or 1 year.
(Robin EC10D) Use 1 ounce (30 ml) of Service SF" SAE 10W-30 Motor Oil.
Guide Bushings If a 0.025in (0.635mm) feeler gage can be slid between the Spring
Box and Guide Tube replace the Bushings.
Hardware Torque all bolts after the first eight hours of operation and check evĆ
ery 25 hours.
OĆRings and Seals Replace at every overhaul or teardown. Use MĆBĆW OĆRing and
Seal Kit #06472.
Oil Screen Clean or Replace Oil Screen, every 300 hours or 1 year.
(Robin EC12D)
Oil Line Replace Oil Line every year.
(Robin EC12D)
Pinion Replace if teeth are chipped or they become sharp. Also replace if
drum is scored or gouged deeper than 0.03in (0.76mm).
Piston If a 0.025in (0.635mm) feeler gage can be slid between the Piston
and Spring Box replace the Piston.
Piston Pin If the outside diameter is less than 0.620in (15.75mm), replace.
Piston Washers Replace if Washers are dished.
Ram Shaft If the outside diameter is less than 1.120in (28.4mm) replace.
Rammer Oil Replace after the first 50 hours, then after every 300 hours or 1 year.
Use 12 ounces (360ml) of Service SF SAE 10W-30 Motor Oil.
Safety Decals Replace if they become damaged or illegible or if unit is repainted.
Springs If a flat spot on the side of a spring is greater than 0.09 in (2mm) or
the free length is less than 6.75 in (171 mm), replace all springs.
REMEMBER - YOU OWN THE BEST! If repairs are needed use only MBW Inc. Parts
purchased from Authorized MBW Distributors.