Maxon SP200/210 Radio SP200/210
11. APPENDIX A â ACC-2003 ALIGNMENT BOX - Issue 1.0
Page 11-6 03/01
11.3.3 Transmit Adjustments
The transmit mode is entered by pressing SHIFT + T on the keyboard.
Ensure that the Power Supply is set to +7.5V. Power Adjustment
The power level is set by the potentiometers on the back plate of the radio, they are located
underneath the Type Approval label.
: A spare label is shipped with every radio.
Refer to the Service Manual for the correct procedure for setting the power levels. With the ASIC
program operating, the channel can be altered by using the âFâ key. SAT Balance
Set Audio Generator to 400Hz, 300mV (20dB above nominal level). Adjust TXTRIM2/TXTRIM3 to
make demodulated signal as shown in Figure 11-6.
Figure 11-6 - Modulation wave shape Audio Deviation Limits
Use Channel 2. Turn the SAT tone off and input an audio level (1kHz) at 20dB above nominal. Check
that the peak deviation is between 2.0 and 2.15kHz at 12.5kHz channel spacing or between 4.0 and
4.3kHz for 25kHz channel spacing.
TXTRIM1 can be used to adjust the audio deviation. Check at frequencies across the band.
Any other adjustments are covered earlier on in this Service Manual. SAT Deviation
Input a SAT tone, with no MIC level. Check that the tone deviation is between 300 and 350Hz at
12.5kHz channel spacing or 650 to 700Hz tone deviation at 25kHz channel spacing.
SATRIM2 can be used to adjust the SAT deviation. Check at frequencies across the band.