Product Preview DS21Q55
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Register Name: BIC
Register Description: BERT Interface Control Register
Register Address: EAh
Bit # 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Default 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Bit 0/BERT Enable (BERTEN).
0 = BERT disabled
1 = BERT enabled
Bit 1/BERT Direction (BERTDIR).
0 = network
1 = system
Bit 2/Unused, must be set to zero for proper operation.
Bit 3/Transmit Framed/Unframed Select (TFUS). For T1 mode only.
0 = BERT will not source data into the F-bit position (framed)
1 = BERT will source data into the F-bit position (unframed)
Bit 4/Transmit Byte Align Toggle (TBAT). A zero-to-one transition will force the BERT to byte align its pattern with the
transmit formatter. This bit must be transitioned in order to byte-align the Daly Pattern.
Bit 5/Unused, must be set to zero for proper operation.
Bit 6/Receive Framed/Unframed Select (RFUS). For T1 mode only.
0 = BERT will not sample data from the F-bit position (framed)
1 = BERT will sample data from the F-bit position (unframed)
Bit 7/Unused, must be set to zero for proper operation.