
Using the SRS TruSurround XT™ Software
TruSurround XT is a patented SRS technology that solves the problem of
playing 5.1 multi-channel content over two speakers. TruSurround XT
delivers a compelling, virtual surround sound experience through any
two-speaker playback system. It is fully compatible with all multi-channel
formats up to 6.1 channels.To view your M-Audio Sonica Control Panel
and the TruSurround XT settings:
In Windows: Following the driver software installation in
Windows Me, 2000, and XP, you will find an M-Audio logo “M”
installed on the right side of your Windows taskbar.Double click on
this logo, and you will launch the M-Audio Sonica Control Panel.
In Mac OS 9: Following the driver software installation in Mac OS
9 and restarting, the Sonica Control Panel will be placed in your
Apple Control Panels folder.Go to the Apple menu,select “Control
Panels,” then select “M-Audio Sonica Settings.” This will launch the
M-Audio Sonica Control Panel.
In Mac OS X: Follow the driver software installation for Mac OS
X and restart. Go to the Dock and choose System Preferences.
Choose “Other,” and then choose “M-Audio Sonica.” Double click
on this, and you will launch the M-Audio Sonica Preference Panel.
Once you have opened your M-Audio Sonica Control Panel,you will be able
to make changes according to your needs and your listening preferences.The
control panel gives you the option to turn TruSurround XT on and off,using
the “Enable TruSurround” checkbox.When you first install the Sonica, this
checkbox is checked and TruSurround XT is enabled. If you do wish to turn
TruSurround XT off, click in this checkbox and uncheck “Enable
TruSurround XT incorporates playback modes (Windows and Mac OS X
only), which are designed to give you the best performance for your
particular playback situation.Here is a description of those modes,and when
each is best used:
(Stereo) Music Mode:This mode is usually used for non-encoded
audio such as music and games that are plain stereo.If you’re playing
an Internet radio station or music from a normal CD (for instance),
then choose this mode.When you first install the Sonica,this mode
will be selected for you by default. In this instance,TruSurround XT
will engage the SRS “WOW” feature (see below).