Tip: Allow the TV to warm up for 20 minutes before adjusting
convergence. Adjust Converge Red or Converge Blue before using
the Multipoint Red/Blue controls.
Manual Convergence: Converge Red/Blue
You can use the Manual Converge controls to make convergence
adjustments to suit your personal preferences or to further fine-tune the
& Select MANUAL CONVERGE in the SETUP menu.
é Press the cursor right button to enter into the manual convergence menu.
“ Press the cursor down button and select either CONVERGE RED or
CONVERGE BLUE and press the cursor right button.
‘ Press OK button to start the manual convergence.
Tip: If various images in the picture have red outlines, select
CONVERGE RED. If various images in the picture have blue outlines, select
( Use the cursor right, left, up or down button to adjust the cross hair until
the colour outline is gone. The adjustment is automatically saved in the TV’s
memory when you exit the adjust mode.
§ Press the MENU button to return or the INFO key to switch the menu
Check the TV picture. If any colour outlines remain around the images, use
the MULTIPOINT RED (for red outlines) or MULTIPOINT BLUE
(for blue outlines) control. See the next section for instructions for using
those controls.
Using Manual Converge: Multipoint Red/Blue
The Multipoint Red/Blue convergence controls allow you to adjust picture
convergence at specific points on the TV screen.
é Press the cursor right to enter navigate mode.
“ Use the cursor left, right, up or down button to move to a cross hair that
has a colour outline.
‘ Press the INFO button to enter adjust mode.
( Use the cursor left, right, up or down to adjust the cross hair until the
colour outline is gone.
§ Press the INFO button to return to navigate mode.
è Repeat steps 3-6 until all misaligned cross hairs have been adjusted. Then
press the MENU button.
! For your multipoint adjustments to be stored in the TV’s memory, you must
Note: If you are not satisfied with the adjustments you just made and want to
start over, you can use the UNDO MULTIPOINT control. This control allows
you to undo the adjustments, but only if you use it before saving.
To save your multipoint adjustments: Select SAVE MULTIPOINT and press
the cursor right or OK button.
To undo your multipoint adjustments: Select SAVE UNDO MULTIPOINT
and press the cursor right or OK button.
To restore the TV’s picture convergence to factory settings, select RESTORE
FACTORY and press the cursor right or OK button.
ç Press the MENU button to return or the INFO button to switch the
menu off.
Manual convergence
Setup 4 Convergence
Convergence red
Manual convergence
Convergence blue
Multipoint red
Multipoint blue
Save multipoint
Save undo multipoint
Restore factory
Settings | Setup
Convergence Manual convergence 7
Convergence red
Convergence blue
Multipoint red
Multipoint blue
Save multipoint
Save undo multipoint
Restore factory
Start now
Settings | Setup
Manual convergence 7 Manual convergence
Save multipoint
Convergence blue
Multipoint red
Multipoint blue
Convergence red
Save undo multipoint
Restore factory
Start now
Settings | Setup | Convergence
Manual convergence 7 Save multipoint
Save multipoint
Convergence blue
Multipoint red
Multipoint blue
Convergence red
Save undo multipoint
Restore factory
Settings | Setup | Convergence
Manual convergence 7 Save multipoint
Save undo multipoint
Convergence blue
Multipoint red
Multipoint blue
Convergence red
Restore factory
Save multpoint
Start now
Settings | Setup | Convergence
Manual convergence 7 Save undo multipoint
Manual convergence 7 Save undo multipoint
Settings | Setup | Convergence
Save undo multipoint
Convergence blue
Multipoint red
Multipoint blue
Convergence red
Restore factory
Save multpoint
Restore factory
Convergence blue
Multipoint red
Multipoint blue
Convergence red
Save undo multipoint
Save multpoint
Start now
Settings | Setup | Convergence
Manual convergence 7 Restore factory
Restore factory
Convergence blue
Multipoint red
Multipoint blue
Convergence red
Save undo multipoint
Save multpoint
Settings | Setup | Convergence
Manual convergence 7 Restore factory
Manual convergence 7 Multipoint red
Settings | Setup | Convergence
Multipoint red
Convergence blue
Multipoint red
Convergence red
Save multipoint
Save undo multipoint
Restore factory
Start now