
Summary of US movie ratings
Rating Description
All All items in the ratings list are locked.
NR Not rated.
G Movies with a mild content, suitable for all ages.
PG Movies for which parental guidance is recommended.
They may contain a few racy or violent scenes or
maybe some bad language.
PG -13 Movies for which parental guidance may be
recommended if under age 13.
R Restricted. The movies usually contain offensive sex
or bad language and may be unsuitable for children
under the age of 17. Parental guidance or permission
NC-17 Even with parental permission, forbidden under age
17. More offensive sex, violence or bad language.
X Movies which generally focus on sex, violence and/or
bad language. Also known as pornography.
Summary of Canadian movie ratings
Rating Description
All All items in the ratings list are locked.
C Programming suitable for children under the age of
8 years. No profanity or sexual content of any level
allowed. Minimal comedic violence.
C8+ Suitable for children ages 8 and over. Low intensity
violence and fantasy horror allowed.
G Movies with a mild content, suitable for all ages.
PG Movies for which parental guidance is recommended.
They may contain a few racy or violent scenes or
maybe some bad language.
14+ Programming intended for children ages 14 and
over. May contain intense scenes of violence, strong
profanity, and depictions of sexual activity within the
context of a story.
18+ Programming intended for viewers ages 18 and over.
May contain strong violence, language, and sexual
Summary of Canadian French movie ratings
Rating Description
All All items in the ratings list are locked.
G Appropriate for all ages with little or no violence and
little to no sexual content.
8 ans+ Appropriate for children 8 and up which may
contain little violence, some foul language and/or
little to no sexual content.
13 ans+ Appropriate for children 13 and up, with moderate
violence, language, and some sexual situations.
Persons under 13 should be accompanied by an
16 ans+ Appropriate for children 16 and up, with strong
violence, strong language, and strong sexual content.
18 ans+ Only to be viewed by adults and contains extreme
violence and graphic sexual content/pornography.
Each rating has a box-graphic in front of it to indicate whether
programs carrying that rating are locked:
A box with X indicates that all items in the rating are locked.
An empty box indicates that no items in the rating are not
When you lock a movie rating, all items for ages below that
movie rating are automatically locked.
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2 Press or to select [On] , and press to con rm your choice. If
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and you cannot use the region rating lock.
3 Press to return to the TV menu and select [Features] > [Child
lock] > [Region ratings lock] .
4 Enter your PIN (see ‘Set or change your PIN’ on page 16 ) .
5 Press or and then press OK to lock or unlock one or more
Each rating has a box-graphic in front of it to indicate whether it is
A box with X indicates that the rating locked.
An empty box indicates that the rating is not locked.
6 Press MENU to exit.
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