
Magellan GPS 315/GPS 320 63
Ephemeris The position and velocity of the satellites in the
sky. The receiver uses the ephemeris to calculate the
precise distance from the GPS receiver to the satellite.
ETA Estimated Time of Arrival. The estimated time of day
the leg’s destination waypoint will be reached.
ETE Estimated Time Enroute. The estimated time
remaining to reach the next waypoint in a route.
Fixed Navaid A navigation aid (usually found in marine charts) that
has a fixed position and can be found on land or water.
An example is a T.V. tower on land or a Greenday mark
in water.
HDG Heading. The direction you are facing, defined as an
angle from North.
Latitude The angular distance north or south of the equator
measured by lines encircling the earth parallel to the
equator from 0˚ to 90˚.
LAT/LON Coordinate system using latitude and longitude
coordinates to define a position on the earth.
Leg (Route) A segment of a route that has a starting (FROM)
waypoint and a destination (TO) waypoint. A route
may consist of 1 or more legs. A route that is from
waypoint A to waypoint B to waypoint C to waypoint
D has three legs with the first being from waypoint A to
waypoint B.
Leg 1
Leg 2
Leg 3