
View Menu 22
Viewing Track Vertical Profile
1. Access the Main Menu and select “View”.
2. Select Tracks.
3. Select Vertical Profile.
4. With a current track in memory, the vertical profile is displayed.
Saving a Track as a Trail
1. Access the Main Menu and select “View”.
2. Select Tracks.
3. Select Save Track.
4. Select which track to create a trail from.
5. Use the keyboard to enter a name for the trail. (Default name is TrailXXX.) Select to
save the trail with the name entered.
Erasing a Track
1. Access the Main Menu and select “View”.
2. Select Tracks.
3. Select Erase Track.
4. Select to confirm deletion.
Setting Track Log Options
1. Access the Main Menu and select “View”.
2. Select Tracks.
3. Select Options.
4. Select parameters for if and how track logs are recorded.
5. Select to accept.
Viewing Map Information
1. Access the Main Menu and select “View”.
2. Select Maps to view details on the installed background map and detail map (if loaded).
3. Select OK to exit.