Frequency:...................... 200 kHz.
Transducers: .................. A model HST-WSU Skimmer
comes packed with your sonar unit. Operates
at speeds up to 70 mph (61 kts). Optional thru-
hull, portable and trolling motor transducers
are available.
Transmitter: ................... 800 watts peak-to-peak power (typical); 100
watts RMS power (typical).
Sonar sounding
depth capability: ........... 600 feet (182 meters). Actual capability de-
pends on transducer configuration and in-
stallation, bottom composition and water con-
ditions. All sonar units typically read deeper
in fresh water than in salt water.
Depth display:................ Continuous digital readout.
Audible alarms: ............. Deep/shallow/fish.
Automatic ranging:....... Yes, with instant screen updates.
Zoom bottom track: ...... Yes.
Split-screen zoom:......... Yes.
Surface water temp: ..... Yes, built into transducer. Optional addi-
tional temp sensors for live well, bait well,
etc. are available.
Speed/distance log: ....... Yes, with optional speed sensor.
The storage and operation temperature for your unit is from -4 de-
grees to +167 degrees Fahrenheit (-20 degrees to +75 degrees Cel-
sius). Extended storage in temperatures higher or lower than speci-
fied will damage the liquid crystal display in your unit. This type of
damage is not covered by the warranty. For more information, con-
tact the factory's Customer Service Department; phone numbers
are inside the manual's back cover.
How Sonar Works
Sonar has been around since the 1940s, so if you already know how it
works, skip ahead to the next segment on the typographical conventions
used in this manual. But, if you've never owned a sonar fish finder, this
segment will tell you the underwater basics.
Sonar is an abbreviation for SOund NA
vigation and Ranging, a technol-
ogy developed during World War II for tracking enemy submarines.