menu appears as shown at right. Press
the left or right arrow keys to decrease
or increase the range. The available
ranges are 0-5, 10, 20, 30, 40, 60,
100, 150, 200, 300, 500, 800, and
1000 feet. After the desired range is
displayed, press the EXIT key to erase
the range menu.
NOTE: The depth capability of the X-
65 depends on the transducer instal-
lation, water and bottom conditions,
and other factors.
You can enter any range when the unit is in the manual mode. The X-65
lets you enter any upper and lower limit, provided there is at least ten feet
separating them. (On the screen below left, the upper limit is 0 and the
lower limit is 100.) Using the upper and lower limit range option, we
changed the range from 0 to 100 feet to 35 to 65 feet. This "zoomed" the
display to a 30 foot range.
As you can see, the fish arches near the bottom are much larger and easier
to see. In fact, a possible fish on the bottom shows on the enlarged screen
that is not even visible on the left! Not only does this make it easier to see
targets, but you can more accurately determine their depth, due to the
expanded depth range.
To change the upper and lower limits, first press the MENU key. Next,
make certain the X-65 is in the manual mode, then press the up or down
arrow keys until the "Set Chart Limits" menu appears as shown at the top
of the next page.