Units of Measure
This menu (shown in the following image) sets the speed and distance
(statute or nautical miles, meters), depth (feet, fathoms, or meters), al-
titude (feet or meters) and heading (true or magnetic) units. To change
the units, press
The Units of Measure Menu.
To set Speed/Distance Unit of Measure: Press ENT. Press ↑ or ↓ to
change the Speed/Distance, then press
ENT. After the option is set,
EXIT|EXIT to return to the page display.
To set Heading: Press ↓ to
HEADING|ENT. Press ↑ or ↓ to change the
heading, then press
ENT. After the option is set, press EXIT|EXIT to re-
turn to the page display.
To set Time Format: Press ↓ to
TIME|ENT. Press ↑ or ↓ to change the
time format, then press
ENT. After the option is set, press EXIT|EXIT to
return to the page display.
To set Date Format: Press ↓|→ to
DATE|ENT. Press ↑ or ↓ to change
the date format, then press
ENT. After the option is set, press EXIT|EXIT
to return to the page display.
Use Indoors
When you're only using your iFINDER to listen to music, you can pre-
serve battery life by turning off the GPS satellite search. To do this,
turn on the Use Indoors option.
To toggle this feature on or off from the Music Mode, press
MENU|↓ to
USE INDOORS|ENT. The box is checked when the feature is turned on, and
unchecked when the feature is off. The iFINDER will automatically
resume searching for satellites the next time you turn it on.