1. From the Sonar Page, press
2. Press →|then press ↓ to
To turn off FishTrack, repeat the instructions in step 1. Turning off
FishTrack in this manner will not turn off Fish I.D. symbols.
Sonar Features menu with Fish I.D. Depths selected (at left, dual-
frequency menu; center, single-frequency menu). When the check box to
the left is checked, the feature is on. At right, Sonar Page showing Fish
I.D. symbols and FishTrack depths turned on.
When displaying actual sonar returns, the FishReveal feature uses 10
levels of gray tones to show fish targets hidden by surface clutter,
thermoclines, weed beds and other cover.
The normal mode of operation (with FishReveal turned off) shows the
weakest echoes as black and the strongest echoes in light gray. Since
all weak echoes are black, fish arches show boldly against the white
background. The drawback is that all weak echoes – such as thermo-
clines – are also emphasized. This can make it hard to distinguish fish
signals inside thermoclines or other cover.
In FishReveal mode, the weakest echoes are white and the strongest
echoes are black. Echoes in between vary in gray in proportion to their
signal strength. The Grayline control determines the range for black to
white. Also note that when using FishReveal, we recommend that you
turn off Auto Sensitivity and turn up Sensitivity to near maximum.
Symbols with