
The Edit Trail screen allows you to modify an existing Trail.
On the Edit Trail screen, you can choose to Navigate the selected Trail
(converting it into a Route), delete it, rename it, or modify its display
characteristics such as color, pattern, and visibility.
Trip Calculator
The Trip Calculator is a handy tool for keeping track of detailed infor-
mation concerning your route. You can use it to find the distance of
your daily commute, or to calculate your average speed on a cross-
country road trip.
To access the Trip Calculator, from the Options Menu choose
CALCULATOR. A screen like the one in the following image appears.
The iWAY Trip Calculator screen.
Trip Active
Use the Trip Active checkbox to turn on and off trip calculation. If you
want to take a detour without recording that in your trip calculation,
you can simply use the Trip Active command to disable calculation.
Tap the checkbox to the left of the label
TRIP ACTIVE to check it (turn on)