Dual-Band Wireless A+G Broadband Router
Chapter 1: Introduction
The Dual-Band Wireless A+G Broadband Router is like four devices in one
box! The Router function lets you securely share one high-speed Internet con-
nection among your entire network, while the 4-port full duplex 10/100 Switch
jump-starts your wired-Ethernet network. Connect four PCs directly, or daisy-
chain out to more hubs and switches to create as big a network as you need.
The Dual-Band Wireless A+G Broadband Router also contains two Wireless
Access Points, supporting all three wireless networking specifications. The
first Access Point uses the 2.4GHz radio band, supporting both the popular and
inexpensive Wireless-B (802.11b) standard at 11Mbps, and the new, almost
five times faster, Wireless-G (draft 802.11g) at 54Mbps. The second Access
Point radio operates in the 5GHz band, and supports Wireless-A (802.11a) net-
working, also at 54Mbps. Since the two radios operate in different bands, they
can work simultaneously, blanketing your wireless zone with bandwidth.
To protect your data and privacy, the Dual-Band Wireless A+G Broadband
Router can encrypt all wireless transmissions. The MAC Address filter lets
you decide exactly who has access to your wireless network. The Router also
serves as a DHCP Server, has NAT technology to protect against Internet
intruders, DMZ capability, supports VPN pass-through, and can be configured
to filter internal users' access to the Internet. Configuration is a snap with the
web browser-based configuration utility.
With the Linksys Dual-Band Wireless A+G Broadband Router at the center of
your home or office network, you can share a high-speed Internet connection,
files, printers, and multi-player games with the flexibility, speed, and security
you need!
The Dual-Band Wireless A+G Broadband Router
Instant Wireless
Help 55
Advanced Tabs 56
Advanced Wireless 56
Internet Filter 60
Port Forwarding 63
Routing 66
Appendix A: Troubleshooting 70
Common Problems and Solutions 70
Frequently Asked Questions 81
Appendix B: How to Ping Your ISP’s E-mail &
Web Addresses 89
Appendix C: Configuring Wireless Security 92
Background 92
WEP Encryption 93
Appendix D: Finding the MAC Address and IP
Address for Your Ethernet Adapter 94
Appendix E: Glossary 97
Appendix F: Specifications 113
Environmental 114
Appendix G: Warranty Information 115
Appendix H: Contact Information 116