Chapter 5: Configuring the Wireless-G Home Router
The Setup Tab - Basic Setup
Wireless-G Home Router
• PPPoE. Some DSL-based ISPs use PPPoE (Point-to-Point Protocol over Ethernet) to establish Internet
connections. If you are connected to the Internet through a DSL line, check with your ISP to see if they use
PPPoE. If they do, you will have to enable PPPoE.
User name and Password. Enter the User Name and Password you use when logging onto your ISP through
a PPPoE or PPTP connection.
Service Name. Provided by ISP, some service providers require it for authentication. Please leave it blank if
your ISP doesn't require it.
PPPoE with Fixed IP Address. Some PPPoE based ISPs assign a fixed IP for their PPPOE client. If your ISP
gives you a fixed IP, enter it here or leave it blank if your ISP doesn't provide this info.
Auto Connect on Demand. If Auto Connect On Demand is selected, the Router will try to establish the PPPoE
connection every time it detects an Internet access request. The Router will terminate the PPPOE session
after a period of idle time, which can be set by the user. The default idle time is 5 minutes. Click on Show
Connection Duration to show the current connection uptime. User can also set a timer that can enable the
Router to pop up a message Window automatically to remind the user of the current connection uptime
duration. Note: if your Internet browser is set to block popup windows, you will not be able to see the popup
Manual Connect on Demand. If Manual Connect On Demand is selected, the Router will try to establish the
PPPoE connection ONLY when the first time it detects the Internet access request. The Router will then
terminate the PPPOE session after a period of idle time which can be set by the user. The default idle time is
5 minutes. Unlike Auto Connect on Demand, the Router will NOT automatically establish PPPOE connection
any more even it detects the new Internet access request. Unless user manually click on Connect to re-
establish the connection. Click on Show Connection Duration to show the current connection uptime. User
can also set a timer which can enable Router to popup a message Window automatically to remind the user
on the current connection uptime duration.
Note: If your Internet Browser is set to block the popup windows, you will not be able to see the popup
Keep Alive Option. This option keeps you connected to the Internet indefinitely, even when your connection
sits idle. To use this option, click the radio button next to Keep Alive. The default Redial Period is 30 seconds
(In other words, the Router will check the Internet connection every 30 seconds).
PPPoE Scheduling Dialer. This feature allows you to connect Internet in scheduling time.
Caution: An inaccurate Router clock setting will void the time specific functions. For initial setup of Router, it
is suggested that the user selects "Keep Alive" option first. Wait for the Router to have a successful
Figure 5-6: PPPoE Connection Type