Presentation Player
Stop Use to stop your presentation or connection.
Play Use to start your presentation from the Presentation List.
Pointer Use for the laser pointer.
Connect Use to connect a new user to the Player while in the
Presentation List.
List Takes you to the Presentation List.
Home Takes you to the Home page.
Info Shows the system information for the Player: the identifica-
tion, network settings, and wireless LAN configuration.
User Shows a list of the connected remote users by using the
names of their computers.
Power Red. The Power LED will light up when the Presentation
Player is powered on.
WLAN Act Green. The WLAN Act LED blinks when the Presentation
Player is active.
WLAN Link Yellow. The WLAN Link LED indicates the status of the
wireless link. The WLAN Link LED will be lit steadily when
the Presentation Player is connected to the wireless network.
LAN Act Green. The LAN Act LED blinks when the Presentation
Player is active.
LAN Link Yellow. The LAN Link LED indicates the status of the wired
link. The LAN Link LED will be lit steadily when the
Presentation Player is connected to the wired network.
The Presentation Player’s LEDs
Instant Wireless
Figure 2-2
The Remote Control’s Buttons
Figure 2-2