Wireless-G Access Point with Power Over Ethernet and Rangebooster
Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Introduction 1
Welcome 1
What’s in this User Guide? 2
Chapter 2: Planning Your Wireless Network 4
Network Topology 4
Roaming 4
Network Layout 5
Example of a simple wireless network 6
Chapter 3: Getting to Know the Wireless-G Access Point 7
The LEDs 7
The Ports 8
Antennas and Positions 9
Chapter 4: Connecting the Wireless-G Access Point 10
Overview 10
Connection 10
Placement Options 11
Chapter 5: Setting Up the Wireless-G Access Point 12
Overview 12
Accessing the Utility 12
Navigating the Utility 13
Chapter 6: Configuring the Wireless-G Access Point 16
The Setup - Basic Setup Tab 16
The Setup - Time Tab 17
The Wireless - Basic Wireless Settings Tab 18
The Wireless - Wireless Security Tab 19
The Wireless - Wireless Connection Control Tab 24
The Wireless - Advanced Wireless Settings Tab 25
The Wireless - VLAN & QoS Tab 26
The AP Mode Tab 28
The Security Monitor - Basic Settings Tab 31
The Security Monitor - Event Log Tab 32
The Administration - Management Tab 34