Configuration Using the Console Interface
8-Port 10/100 Ethernet Switch with Webview
Chapter 4
Chapter 4:
Configuration Using the
Console Interface
The Switch features a menu-driven console interface for
basic configuration of the Switch and management of your
network. The Switch can be configured using CLI through
the console interface or through a telnet connection.
This chapter describes console interface configuration.
Configuration can also be performed through the web
utility, which is covered in the next chapter.
Configuring the HyperTerminal Application
Click the 1. Start button.
Select 2. Programs > Accessories > Communications >
Start > Programs > Accessories > Communications > HyperTerminal
Enter a name for this connection. In the example, the 3.
name of the connection is SRW208. Select an icon for
the application, then click OK.
HyperTerminal Connection Description Screen
Select a port to communicate with the switch. Select 4.
COM1, COM2, or TCP/IP.
HyperTerminal Connect To Screen
Set the serial port settings as follows, then click 5. OK.
Bits per Second: 38400
Databits: 8
Parity: None
Stop bits: 1
Flow control: None
HyperTerminal Properties Screen
Connecting to the Switch through a Telnet
Open a command line editor and enter 1. telnet Then, press the Enter key.
The 2. Login screen will now appear. The first time you
open the CLI interface, select Edit and hit Enter. Enter
admin in the User Name field. Leave the Password field