
Chapter 4:
SFE2000/SFE2000P Gigabit Ethernet Switch Reference Guide
Multiple Host Settings Page
The Multiple Host Settings Page contains the following fields:
Port — Displays the port number for which advanced port-based authentication is enabled.
Enable Multiple Hosts — Indicates whether multiple hosts are enabled. Multiple hosts must be
enabled in order to either disable the ingress-filter, or to use port-lock security on the selected port.
The possible field values are:
Checked — Multiple host mode is enabled.
Unchecked — Single host mode is enabled. This is the default value.
Action on Violation — Defines the action to be applied to packets arriving in single-host mode,
from a host whose MAC address is not the supplicant MAC address. The possible field values are:
Forward — Forwards the packet.
Discard — Discards the packets. This is the default value.
DiscardDisable — Discards the packets and shuts down the port. The ports remains shut
down until reactivated, or until the device is reset.
Enable Traps — Indicates if traps are enabled for Multiple Hosts. The possible field values are:
Checked — Indicates that traps are enabled for Multiple hosts.
Unchecked — Indicates that traps are disabled for Multiple hosts.
Trap Frequency — Defines the time period by which traps are sent to the host. The Trap Frequency
(1-1000000) field can be defined only if multiple hosts are disabled. The default is 10 seconds.
3. Modify the relevant fields.
4. Click Apply. The multiple host settings are defined, and the device is updated.