Chapter 5: Using the Web-based Utility for Configuration
Switch Conf. (Configuration) Tab - VLAN
WebView Switches
Switch Conf. (Configuration) Tab - VLAN
The VLAN screen displays subgroups of a LAN (Local Area Network).
Chose the Select VLAN ID or Show All option. If you chose to Select VLAN ID, chose the ID
you wish to display from the drop-down menu. The following information is displayed:
ID. This displays the VLAN ID number.
Name. This can be up to 32 alphanumeric characters long and identifies the name assigned to the VLAN.
Type. Displayed here is the VLAN type: Dynamic (dynamically created), Static (created by user), or Default (the
Switch has one default VLAN).
Ports & LAGs. This shows the port of the column you selected or all of the ports with the following designations:
Member: Indicates the port's membership status in the VLAN, which can be:
S - Statistically included
D - Dynamically included
E - Excluded
F - Forbidden
Tagging: Indicates if the port is a tagged member with a T for "Tagged" or U for "Untagged".
To create a VLAN, click the Create icon on the far right of the screen. On the screen that appears, enter the VLAN
ID as well as the VLAN name. Chose the port, as well as the Member and Tagging type. Then, click the Submit
Figure 5-10: Switch Configuration - VLAN
Figure 5-11: Switch Configuration - Create VLAN