
16-Port and 24-Port 10/100 Ethernet Switches
Table of Contents
CChhaapptteerr 11:: IInnttrroodduuccttiioonn 11
The Linksys Instant EtherFast
10/100 Ethernet Switches 1
Features 1
Package Contents 2
CChhaapptteerr 22:: HHaarrddwwaarree IInnssttaallllaattiioonn 33
Planning Your Network 3
Installing an Ethernet Switch 4
Reading an Ethernet Switch’s LED Display 6
Tips on Switching Your Network 7
AAppppeennddiixx AA:: FFiibbeerr OOppttiicc MMoodduulleess
((mmooddeellss EEFF33111166 && EEFF33112244 OONNLLYY)) 88
Introduction 8
Installing a Fiber Optic Expansion Module 8
Reading a Fiber Module’s LED display 10
AAppppeennddiixx BB:: AAbboouutt FFaasstt EEtthheerrnneett 1111
The History of Fast Ethernet 11
Switches Versus Hubs 11
AAppppeennddiixx CC:: GGlloossssaarryy 1133
AAppppeennddiixx DD:: SSppeecciiffiiccaattiioonnss 1188
EF3116/EF3124 18
EF4116/EF4124 18
AAppppeennddiixx EE:: EEnnvviirroonnmmeennttaall 1199
EF3116/EF3124 19
EF4116/EF4124 19
AAppppeennddiixx FF:: WWaarrrraannttyy IInnffoorrmmaattiioonn 2200
AAppppeennddiixx GG:: CCoonnttaacctt IInnffoorrmmaattiioonn 2211
Chapter 1: Introduction
With advanced switching technology, the EtherFast® 10/100 Ethernet Switches
will boost your network performance with much more than just full duplex data
transfer and dedicated bandwidth. They feature non-blocking, wire-speed
switching that forwards packets as fast as your network can deliver them. Also
included are Address Learning and Aging to prevent data transfer errors and
Data Flow Control to help prevent packet collisions.
The rack mountable switches include an Expansion Port that accepts an option-
al Fiber Module to let you grow your network by linking to other switches in
full duplex mode up to 2000 meters (6560 feet) away. The compact switches
are small enough to fit into any crowded office.
No matter how intensive your network demands, the EtherFast® 10/100
Ethernet Switches advanced chipsets support your needs with an affordable and
efficient networking solution you can count on.
16 or 24 autosensing 10/100 full duplex, auto MDI/MDI-X ports
Some models feature optional 100BaseFX Fiber Optic Modules to connect
multiple switches at high speed as your network grows
Run blazing speeds up to 200Mbps
Address Learning and Aging and Data Flow Control for enhanced trans-
mission reliability
Perfect for Running 10BaseT, 100BaseTX and 100BaseFX Hardware
Together Seamlessly
Data Flow Control Filters Out Faulty Data Packets
Supports aging function, 802.3x Pause Frame for full duplex
Head of Line (HOL) blocking prevention
Broadcast storm control avoids unnecessary bandwidth absorption
The Linksys Instant EtherFast
10/100 Ethernet Switches