
Using the arrow keys, choose any of the preset groups that you wish to
trunk together and press the Enter key. Repeat the process until you have
chosen all the groups that you want to trunk. After hitting the Enter key
for each choice, that preset will disappear from the list and appear on the
previous screen. Once you have made all your choices, highlight the
Return option and press the Enter key. You will be returned to the previ-
ous menu. The trunk group(s) that you have entered should appear in the
order that you chose them.
Each trunk’s information will be displayed (i.e., how many ports are in the
trunk, and which port numbers). To delete any trunk group on this screen,
highlight that trunk and press the Enter key. You will receive a message
in the white status bar near the bottom of the screen that states Are you
sure you want to perform this operation? (y/n). Confirm the deletion
by pressing the Y key, or cancel the deletion by pressing the N key.
Once you have made all the changes you wish to make, highlight Return
and hit the Enter key to return to the Main Menu.
Instant Gigabit
The Port Mirroring Configuration Menu screen (shown here), allows you to
view or change the following values:
Port Mirroring (Enabled/Disabled) - Port mirroring allows the user to
assign two different ports to carry the same data stream. This is a diag-
nostic tool that permits the user to verify that all data is being transmitted
and received properly. In order to activate port mirroring, highlight the
value next to Port Mirroring and press the Space Bar key. This will tog-
gle back and forth between the options of Enabled and Disabled. Once
you have made your choice, press the Enter key. You will receive a mes-
sage in the white status bar near the bottom of the screen that indicates
whether or not the change was accepted. The default setting for this value
is Disabled.
If you have enabled Port Mirroring, a screen will appear with each of the
26 ports listed. Using the arrow keys, highlight the port you wish to mir-
ror and press the Space Bar key. This will toggle back and forth between
the options of T, R and B. T represents “transmit”, R represents “receive”
and B represents “Both”. Once you have made your choice, press the
Enter key. You will receive a message in the white status bar near the bot-
tom of the screen that indicates whether or not the change was accepted.
Then highlight the value next to Monitor Port Tx and hit the Enter key.
Enter the number of the port that you wish to mirror the tranmissions to (if
you are mirroring transmissions), and hit the Enter key again. You will
Dual Gigabit with 24-Port 10/100 Switch
The Port Mirrroring Configuration Menu