Chapter 2
The Administration Tab > Management
When you click the Administration tab, you will see the
Management screen. This screen allows you to change
the Gateway’s access settings as well as configure the
SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol) and UPnP
(Universal Plug and Play) features.
Administration > Management
Gateway Access
Local Gateway Access
To ensure the Gateway’s security, you will be asked for
your password when you access the Gateway’s Web-based
Utility. The default username and password is admin.
Gateway Username Enter the default admin. It is
recommended that you change the default username to
one of your choice.
Gateway Password and Re-enter to Confirm It is
recommended that you change the default password to
one of your choice. Enter a new Gateway password and
then enter it again in the Re-enter to Confirm field.
Remote Gateway Access
This feature allows you to access the Gateway from a
remote location, via the Internet.
NOTE: Enabling remote Management allows
anyone with access to your password to
configure the Gateway from somewhere else
on the Internet.
Remote Management To enable Remote Management,
click Enabled.
Remote Username, Remote Password, and Re-enter
to confirm Complete these fields to specify the account
that will be used for remote management.
Management Port Enter the port number you will use to
remotely access the Gateway.
SNMP is a popular network monitoring and management
Device Name Enter the device name.
SNMP Click Enable to enable SNMP, or click Disable to
disable SNMP.
UPnP allows Windows XP to automatically configure the
Gateway for various Internet applications, such as gaming
and videoconferencing.
UPnP To enable UPnP, click Enabled.
Please select a pvc connection to bind Select a number
from the drop-down menu.
When you have finished making changes, click Save
Settings to save the changes, or click Cancel Changes to
undo your changes.
The Administration Tab > Reporting
The Reporting screen provides you with a log of all
incoming and outgoing URLs or IP addresses for your
Internet connection. It also provides logs for VPN and
firewall events.
Administration > Reporting
Log To enable log reporting, click Enabled.
Logviewer IP Address Enter the IP address that will
receive logs.
Email Alerts
E-Mail Alerts To enable E-Mail Alerts, click Enabled.